Things simply happen. Stop Trying to Control Everything.
Shocking news!!!
Get ready to read it
It won`t be easy,
But it is fascinatingly liberating
Here it goes…
Regardless of yourself
Life always moves on
Perpetually forward
And, more often than not
So, stop trying to control it
Stop deluding yourself with senses of authority
Feelings of dominations
Impressions of superiority.
Things always happen
Like ebb and tide
People move on
They choose to act
Or not to do anything
Or behave in a completely different way
And uncontrollable.
That’s the nature of things and people
To act, relentlessly
Act on things that have a meaning for them
Or are self-beneficial
Or give them a sense of purpose
So, let them do it
Let them be free to make their own choices
To tread their own path.
And, at the moment you do it
You are also freeing yourself to make your own decisions
You gain the freedom to live your own life
An unlimited freedom.
An unmeasurable sense of freedom
Which you believe to be your birthright
But are you really sure of it?
Personally, I am not sure of it
Therefore, I let it all flow
Sometimes intentionally
Others naturally.
Sometimes by making choices
Others by being chosen.
Sometimes using my free will
Others willingly free.
Sometimes it is myself
Others it is simply the Self.
Yet, it is always shocking news!
How to cite this Poetic Meditation:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Things simply happen. Stop Trying to Control Everything.