The Sublime Materialization of Women
In the beginning, when the Great Architect was materializing the Universe, the days predestined to The Work were getting to an end. God had already manifested all the goodness of the divinely prodigious imagination and, in order to do that, had exhausted all the materials and tools allocated to that magnanimous task.
However, there was still a missing part of The Construction, it was the Woman. But, because all the resources had already been used, the Supreme Being faced a huge dilemma on how to proceed to materialize the last piece of The Magnum Opus.
Luckily, an Angel who was an ardent assistant got close by and whispered some words on the divine ear and, at that time, God faced him with an eye that only a celestial gratitude could express it and, simultaneously, God began the work to create a Woman and, to achieve that, a moving mystical machine started to gather the following attributes available in the universe and began forming the New Being with…
The perfect curvature of the moon, the sinuous lines of rose petals, the constant vibration of waterfalls, the finesse of the condor’s flight, the delicacy of the butterfly, the lightness of snowflakes, the blooming of springtime, the happiness of sunflowers, the tears of morning’s dew, the unpredictability of the wind, the euphoria of dogs, the shyness of rabbits, the vanity of peacocks, the softness of bird’s chest, the vivacity of cats, the shine and toughness of diamonds, the sweetness of honey, the ardor of a lion, the sadness of the dark, the loneliness of remote places, the charity of nature, the virtues of the sun, the wisdom of plants, the courage of the eagle and, in the structure, He added the warmth of a flame, the stable coldness of glaciers and the steadiness of the earth.
After that, the physical constitution began by doing the face like the shape of the moon, the forehead like a bow, the eyebrows like the neem tree, the eyes like the fish, the nose like a sesame flower, the lips round and delicious like the mango fruit, the chin firm like a rock, the neck modeled like a shell, the waist slender like a lioness, the arms as strong and soft as a new stem, the breasts as perfectly modeled as the symmetry of an orange, the legs stiff and wiggly like a liana, teeth as shiny as brilliants, hairs long and soft like plumes, hands firm and delicate as violets,
feet steady and strong like wolves, then it was added the sumptuous and graceful walk of a rooster, a voice harmonious like the bird’s chirp and gentle touching like the summer breeze.
Besides, in the masterpiece, there were blended equivalents doses of sensuality and spirituality, belief and intelligence, gracious forms and subtle feelings and as an amalgam to put everything together God added rivers of faith, seas of hope, and oceans of love.
In addition to that, God was so satisfied and euphoric with The Work that it granted the Woman with the most revered of all attributes, the power to be the Genesis of Mankind.
Then, after God had concluded the last piece of The Venerable Work, God and the Angel, who was watching everything, exchanged a glance that words are not capable of expressing it because it filled the Infinitum with the noblest and most magnanimous possible molecules.
Finally, God granted to the creation the Breath of Life and presented her to the world while whispering to the universe the following axiom: “Women are a blessing that I am creating for Men and Men are a blessing created for Women”.
CONGRATULATIONS to all women, always!
How to cite this Thought:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. The Sublime Materialization of Women.