The Gifts of the Universe
Everything in the universe is given.
There is no human effort on it.
The whole nature gives it all away.
The trees give their fruits.
The rivers give their water and don’t stock it up.
The earth gives vegetables, grains and minerals.
The sun gives light, magnetism and atomic energy.
And the forests give oxygen.
The whole nature is all about giving.
Naturally donating all its possession.
And we are all part of nature too.
So, what have you donated today?
What natural traits of yours have you shared today?
Ponder for a moment
For you have the chance
To be like nature.
Don’t hold anything back
Give all of yourself
All the time.
For, at the end of day
Even though we are temporarily using it
It all belongs to the universe.
How to cite this Revealing Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. The Gifts of the Universe.