There is a highly questionable trend in the educational system. It is the deprivation of childhood spontaneity and its natural unfoldment. What is actually happening then? On the one hand, overbusy, highly absent parents are over managing and over-scheduling their children’s daily life. Then, on the other hand, an inhumane school structure is creating a selection process even for kindergarten enrolment. It is just absurd. Imagine the ridiculousness of interviewing a 3–4-year-old child. Meanwhile, this lethal combination of immature parents and irresponsible schooling puts a veiled pressure on the child to succeed, to be the best, and to be in control. All this senselessness happens in an age of formation when the foundations of personality, emotional architecture, and even physical structure are in an evolving period. Meanwhile, kids are not being allowed to freely explore life, they are forbidden to go out and face the natural wonders and dangers of their age such as falling and standing up again, seeing an animal for the first time, climbing a tree, doing some mischievous tricks, getting lost in the woods, making mud and playing in the dirt, tasting those weird worms, building their imaginary world in the backyard and so on and so forth in a myriad of puerile activities. Instead, these normally childish situations are being replaced by a tightly organized, rigidly synchronized, almost military schedule of daily lessons, classes, and courses whose main goal is not necessarily to educate the child but to fill in the absence of their professional parents. If a person analyses it consciously, it is almost inevitable to see it as a concealed, and unfortunately acceptable, form of child abuse. Modern society is taking away life from its children, probably unaware of its nefarious consequences as far as their children’s intuitive, instinctive, creative, and holistic view of life is concerned. In other words, it is about time that parents and society allow children simply to be children instead of premature, inadequate, and unfulfilled adults.
How to cite this Text: Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. The Endangerment of Modern Children’s Education.