The Culture of Mediocrity
There is a violent mindset being perpetuated in the world, which is the culture of mediocrity. For a long time, more than desired, we been entrapped by a malign indoctrination that judges us severely if we are to pursue our innermost goals. By innermost I mean the development and the manifestation of our talents, be it in the artistic, economic, spiritual, industrial or political sphere. The predominant idea is that one should sacrifice his self-interest for the betterment of the whole, which itself is absurdly wrong, because all advancements in any of the spheres mentioned above have only happened due to the persistence, strong will and discipline of many people who persevere in the pursuit of their self-interests in spite of the temporary obstacles, setbacks or criticism. However, it is important to realize that the self-interest of these people are not detrimental, or damaging, to the overall improvement of society, they are actually that magical juice that keeps the wheels of development, growth and understanding smoothly moving, unlike the self-interests of corrupted politicians, despotic dictators, obnoxious religious leaders or greedy-at-any-cost people whose solely selfish self-interest leaves behind an unfathomable wreckage wherever they pass by. Therefore, if the person’s desire is the manifestation of his innermost talents, the pursuit of such a dignified path is the highest form of altruism that can be allocated to the achievement of his endowed gifts. Any other pursuit in life will lead an individual to a mediocre existence whose sorrowful outcome are visible everyday through self-dissatisfaction, outbursts of violence, high-level of stresses and guilty. So, it is important to be aware of the culture of mediocrity so that, with all your strength, courage and passion, you will be able to achieve the highest level of your excellence. Thus, winning over a widespread culture of mediocrity that hinders the natural and evolutionary development of life. (Tadany — 10 06 16)
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Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. The Culture of Mediocrity. ®