She wanted to love someone
Love is incomprehensible, she always thought
For she wanted to love someone
Have that feeling of bliss and enchantment
Towards a special one
Who never seemed to show up
But she wasn’t alone, she was loved by someone
Who treated her well, cared for her and cherished her
But she couldn’t have a reciprocal sensation
Not that she didn’t want to
It is just that she couldn’t
Then, a terrible illness affected her, cancer
It came as sudden and as unlooked-for
As a storm on a sunny summer day
And its impact was dreadful
Life changes when death becomes a neighbor
Especially when one is young and filled with desires
And because the existence is supposed much, much longer
The journey towards cure was arduous, but she overcame it
And she felt that life had given her another chance
So, she madly wanted to have that feeling of ecstasy
That unexplainable and almost unbearable euphoria
That makes everything else uninteresting and boring
Except for the person who triggers such a sublime ardor
A feeling that opens the gates to an unvisited dimension
And reveals an undiscovered inner oasis of joy and exaltation
So, she started seeking for it
She roamed here and there
Up and down and everywhere
Searching, seeking, hunting
Today, I met her, her eyes shone like a bright star
Her mood was light and sweet
Glimpses of joy and ecstasy radiated from her
But surprisingly, she was alone
So, I guess that she has found it
She has got the nectar from the unchanging source
Which is the spring of her own soul
Life has given her a second chance
And she seems to be relishing on it
Independently, voraciously and lovingly.
How to cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. She Wanted to Love Someone.