Living on the autopilot mode
Many people are running around in the autopilot mode
Catatonically being thrown here and there by the forces of someone else’s movements
Deprived of self-volition and self-integrity
Robotized in a mechanical and aimless motion
Wasting away each and every precious second of life
Squandering their talents
Misusing the magical potentials provided by the existence
Blind to the exuberance that life manifests all the time
So, if you are living on an automatic and unintentional way
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Take the reins of your journey
And construct the dreamed life that you want to live
So that, when the final curtains of physical existence come down
You can cheerfully look back at the journey
With copious feelings of enthusiasm, gratitude, and fascination.
To cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Living on the autopilot mode.