Life’s Possibilities
Life is absurdly brief and immeasurably fragile. Yet, in spite of these irrevocable circumstances, we are endowed with tremendous potentials, inborn tools, an intelligently put together architecture, a ready-made environment and freewill to pursue our desires.
As a consequence, it is crucial that you analyze your dreams, choose the goals that you want to pursue, allocate all your energies, knowledge and skills and go for it because, if you don’t do it, the end will come painted with gloomy and desolate colors whereas if you do it, there are immense chances that you will accomplish your goals, you will improve your life, you will become a better human being and, above it all, you will look at yourself in the mirror every day with a sense of self-satisfaction, gratitude and encouragement.
How to cite this Thought:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Life’s Possibilities. ®