It is time to go, my child
Come my child, it is ok to depart
The boat is waiting, and the river is calm
You must leave behind all the follies of the past
And detach yourself from the parents’ images
Otherwise, you will never be your whole self
Come my child, it is ok to go away
The landscapes of this land no longer enchant you
The stories of the people no longer inspire you
The limitations of the culture, are weakening your will
So, go my child, get into the boat before it is too late
And don’t be afraid of the unknown my child
For he who answers to the call is protected by the gods
And guided by the goddesses in every step of the way
You have to walk the path, face the fears and overcome the challenges
For it is written in the stars of your birth
Go my child, before the river becomes turbulent
And starts waking the monsters from its depth
Or spitting its current against the rocks and the shores
Go now my child, otherwise, the forces will smash your lovely boat
And you will either remain a prisoner of your land or another victim of the mighty river.
How to cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. It is time to go, my child.