It is Everywhere
We are nourished by our souls
We are fascinated by the functioning of the universe
We are illumined by a divine light
We are surrounded by the generosity of nature
We are fed by a bountiful spring of love
We are inspired by the limitlessness of existence
And we are mesmerized by the intrinsic beauty and intelligence of it all
Yet, many of us choose to live our lives
Guided by much smaller, poorer, and limiting options.
With eyes that don’t want to see all the grace
Hearts that don’t want to love
Minds that don’t want to learn
Mouths that don’t want to tell the truth
Ears that don’t want to hear the magical symphony
And noses that don’t want to sense the fragrance of oneness.
Still, there is beauty, abundance, and intelligence everywhere
But to perceive it
And to live it
Is always…
…And always
And individual choice.
So, how are you choosing to live your life?
How to cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. It is Everywhere.