Desires and Outcomes
How do you feel when you are supposed to do something, and you don’t do it?
It does not feel alright, does it?
And how do you feel when you continually avoid doing what is to be done?
Pretty miserable, isn’t it?
This happens because we are purpose-oriented beings.
We are the products of a tremendous power, which is the capacity to learn, think, desire, and act.
However, desires without actions do not ever become a reality.
Therefore, one must undertake deliberated activities to make that magical transformation from the subtleness of thought into the tangibility of an outcome.
Nonetheless, if one sets a personal goal and then skips the necessary actions to achieve it, that same person is committing the highest possible self-injury because he is draining his own energy, he is killing his self-respect, he is destroying his self-worth and, if such a demeaning behavior persists, it is like a gradual and painful suicide.
Therefore, once you have a wish and you decide to have it, make sure that you follow through with focus and purposeful activities. And you do it not only to materialize your dreams but also for your own satisfaction, enjoyment, and encouragement.
Meanwhile, always remember that the endowed power of materialization was given to you at birth. It is your intrinsic inheritance.
Therefore, go for it, with all your energies and enthusiasm.
How to cite this Thoughtful Insight:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Desires and Outcomes.