Death. Rebirth. Pain. Life
Even symbolically, there is no rebirth without death
And there is no death without pain
And pain becomes natural when death happens
Until some understanding of the whole cycle takes place
Yet, it is definitely a desolate scene to see all that one has constructed
Everything that one believes to be true, important and valid
Shattered into unrecognizable debris
All the beliefs
The decorated memories
The uplifting achievements
The painful memories
The self-indulging and limiting ego
And the almost authoritarian desire to control everyone and everything all the time
All these and much more must be crushed away
If one genuinely desires to give oneself another chance
To give oneself another possibility that is more in tune with enlightenment and freedom
Instead of the predominant egocentric selfishness
Insatiable greedy
Obnoxious vengefulness
Widespread corruption
And crippling violence of the world
This inevitable destruction will happen to everyone
Unfortunately, it does not happen synchronously
Because each being is in his own path towards the light
Yet, if this mutation happens to a single person
Probably millions will be directly and indirectly benefited from it
But the decision is still an individual choice
No one can force it into anyone else
Nor can one transmit it through some invisible means
Yet, when the time comes
The force is so powerful that all fears
All reluctances
And all sense of powerlessness
Become insignificant in front of the inevitable and inescapable
Energy that makes a person better, more loving and freer
We all go through it, if not now, hopefully very soon
Because the agonizing death of the ego and the rebirth of one’s wholeness
Is as vivid, as necessary and as natural as the air is for our breathing
And the light of the sun for our lives
So, towards the light we go, sooner or later
And that’s when life begins.
How to cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Death. Rebirth. Pain. Life. ®