Comparisons and Your Uniqueness
How can you compare yourself with anyone else
If you are the only one that ever was
The only one who is and who will ever be?
There is nobody like you
You are unique
And, in your uniqueness
Everything is alright, all is perfect
All is how it is supposed to be
But you often forget about your oneness
Or, sometimes don’t even know it
And because of that
You go around comparing yourself
With others
With all sorts of standards
With thousands of possible achievements
And when you do it
Sometimes, you feel better than others
Whereas other times, you feel less than them
And this is the predicament of your existence
The eternal struggle to be someone
To be somebody accepted by others
Rather than accepted by yourself
But little you know that they too
Are facing the same quagmire
Which is the need for your approval and admiration
And this tireless and dreadful game of comparison
Goes on and on and on
Like a cyclical and endless rollercoaster
Sometimes taking you all the way up
To feelings of joy, excitement, and pride
Whereas other times taking you into a dive
To the depths of sadness, unworthiness, and despair
And all this because your compass is distorted
It is a faulty one
And its malfunctions mislead you
It focuses on the journey of others to set its own
Rather than concentrating on the singularity of yours
Thus, you end up going in every direction
But never getting anywhere
This forgetfulness of your uniqueness
Is the basis of all your suffering and emptiness
But, if only for a second you could consider
The oneness of your existence
You would most certainly comprehend
That all comparisons are foolish and meaningless
And you would stop doing it
As quickly and as surely
As if you were holding a poisonous snake in your hand
And consequently,
You would concentrate your time and energy
To the only thing that matters
Which is what you do with your journey
With the uniqueness that is your manifestation
And with all the exclusive possibilities that it brings.
To share this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Comparisons and Your Uniqueness.