Changes. Can I?
In whatever aspect of one’s life, changes only happen when a person acknowledges both the need and the advantages of undergoing a modification, and for most people, this only happen when the individual is unhappy, dissatisfied or afraid of the existent situation.
However, regardless of the triggering points, it is also relevant to know that if a person wants to change, nothing in the world can stop the person from doing it, and on the other hand, if the person does not want to change, nothing in the world can force the person to do so.
Therefore, if your current life is not what you dreamed of, or thought of, or worked for, it is a very mature decision to start looking around aiming to find out what went wrong? What can I do to change it? When can I start working on it? How will I accomplish these changes? and so on and so forth so that, right now, you can start recreating the life that you want to live.
And if you do it, less and less you will be a passive consequence of others decisions and actions and, more and more, you will be a driver of your own destiny.
And the more you are in charge of your life, the more inspiring, prosperous and freeing will be this brief passage by the amazing theatre we all call life.
Therefore, as the saying goes “be the change that you want to see in the world”, at least in your own.
How to cite this Thought:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Changes. Can I?.