Abandoned heart
I gave you everything I had
But that wasn’t enough
My riches were just pennies
For you didn’t want it
You had other wishes
Fugacious pleasures
Of immediate satisfaction
Delusive whispers
Of misplaced verses
Few keys played in the piano of love
And our song was over
I wanted an opus magnum
But yours was a mere jingle
Quick rhythms
Broken notes
No cadence
Mellifluous indecency
Suddenly the room was empty
Petals spread over the bed
Empty glasses on the sofa
Your sweet smell everywhere
Memories spinning over the head
Awaken without meaning
Unsure of being alive
Or numbly dead
Bitterness for breakfast
Sour tastes of a lonely morning
When the day wakes up
But the sun doesn’t rise
And a gloomy cloud
Hovers over the soul
And so, it ended
A fleeting journey
From the kingdom
Of desired love
To the beggary slums
Of an abandoned heart.
How to cite this Poem:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. Abandoned heart.