A Flow and a Connection
There is a flow. There is an elevated connection in the universe.
It is almost imperceptible, and if you deliberately close your intuition, it will definitely never be perceivable.
Yet, each person, every now and then, comes across this natural experience, and when it happens, the whole foundation of his existence seems to be shaken off or seems to be torn apart, voraciously.
All the struggles, all the sorrows, all the unfulfilled desires, all the painful memories, during that magic and overwhelming moment, cease to exist, as though they never existed, or they were not supposed to be part of one’s life.
Some call these moments enlightenment; others call them love.
Some call it friendship; others might call it a subtle connection.
Some call it an intense integrity; others may call it surrender.
Some call it acceptance; others may call it wisdom.
However, despite the names we give to it, whenever it happens, it takes over our whole nature because it is the effect of a holistic and essential interconnection.
Fundamentally, it simply happens when we integrate our souls with the cosmic womb, with that majestic place where all is one and one is not separated from all. In that special place where we seem to be swimming freely and exuberantly because it happens to be the innermost part of our existence that we call home.
This honourable place is the origin of everything, and eventually, it is the region towards which, after all the turmoil and struggles are overcome and given their due value and place, our beings will essentially return to.
Meanwhile, any time we have those sensations, it only proves that there is no waiting for a future moment to get there because it is always present, it is right here and right now. So, you just have to surrender to the glorious energy and flow of the universal consciousness, and you will be forever connected to what always was, is and will ever be, i.e., your true, complete and non-dual nature.
To cite this Quintessential Thought:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. A Flow and A Connection.