3 Important Traits
We humans possess three unequivocable attributes. These traits are an important part of our psycho-emotional-intellectual structure and, consequently, they substantially influence on who we are, what we do and why we do things in our lives.
These three attributes are Liveliness, Laziness and Wisdom.
They exist in different proportions in each of us and they manifested with different intensities depending on the situation or the stage of life we are at.
Liveliness is the characteristic that gives us energy so that we can be creative, innovative and can transform the abstract thoughts into clear actions that will to tangible outcomes.
Laziness is the malady that breeds inaction and sustains the procrastination of activities and responsibilities.
Wisdom is the oracle that opens the doors of discrimination so that we can recognize the difference between liveliness and laziness as well as knowing the difference between what we can, and what we cannot do.
Therefore, know that these such attributes are inherent to your existence, and it is up to you to have the courage, the perspicacity, and the willingness to adopt liveliness as your inseparable friend while vividly subduing the laziness so that you can wisely enrich your life with more awareness, actions, and prosperity.
How to cite this Practical Insight:
Cargnin dos Santos, Tadany. 3 Important Traits.